About Me

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Im 30 yrs old very happy married to a wonderful man (Nathan) i have a 7yr old son (Lochlan) and one on the way! We live in a town called Davistown. Im an aussie that use to live in the states! But have recently returned back to Australia! And im VERY passionate about cooking and my family!

Blog Archive

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"2009 A Year of BYOB! (Bake Your Own Bread)

So ive been extremely busy today with tidyin the house balancing the check book...UGH... planning my veggie garden, playing with Loche, giving all our pets some attention... Doing dishes...and more dishes seeing Hubby and Kev decided these last couple of days dishes could wait till the wkend.... even tho they both work saturdays! Anyway im having some time to myself now if u can call it that :P im sitting up in bed listening to

And i am surrounded by the cats!

So technically im not alone :P oh and the dog is squished under the bed sleeping as well! Loche is down stairs enjoying his curious george dvds and having a snack :) ahhh peace and quiet!
Now onto the title of this blog! while sitting here looking threw my blogs i follow i came across a blog that was title ""2009 A Year of BYOB! (Bake Your Own Bread)" and i just thought oh cool! this is so how i wanna be! here is the link http://bakersbench.blogspot.com/2009/01/2009-year-of-byob-bake-your-own-bread.html i am so doing this! My book arrives soon and 2morro maybe even 2nite when the guys get home we might head to the store so i can look at what i need to purchase to begin this journey! I cant wait to start making beautiful loaves of bread filled with yummyness and healthyness!